AMF Italia - Italian Association of Financial Markets Intermediaries - represents the interests of
Italian financial markets operators vis-à-vis Italian and EU institutions, other associations and any
other public or private economic and social organisation. It is one of the pillars of the Italian financial
market and a partner for all intermediaries providing investment services in Italy from all parts of the
European Union, which it supports through advocacy activities, the processing of financial data and
the publication of studies and research. In addition to interacting with national and European
institutions within their respective regulatory processes, AMF Italia supports its members by providing
regulatory and organisational advice, drafting guidelines and contractual standards and helping to
develop best practices, all within the framework of a continuous dialogue with the competent
authorities and the members themselves. In order to promote a correct and uniform application of the
reference regulatory framework, the association also organises conferences and training activities
aimed, among other things, at fostering dialogue between its members, as well as between its members
and Italian and EU institutions.
AMF Italia has around 60 members (banks, investment firms, Italian branches of foreign
intermediaries and management companies of multilateral trading facilities) active in the primary,
secondary and derivatives markets, representing more than 80% of the total volume traded on Italian
regulated markets. AMF Italia also includes leading Italian and international law firms, consulting and
IT solution development companies and other entities providing services to financial intermediaries.